Earn your gold Beta Reader badge.

Today I’m hosting my collaborative writer, Sallyann Phillips. Though the blog she’s posting is about our writing, I thought I’d let her tell it. So, over to Sallyann.

Thanks Tim, I’ll try to keep it short.


girls-2814009_640Every author eventually needs a beta reader or two, or three, or more, and Tim and I are no different. Now, most authors will find beta readers who enjoy reading the genre the author writes, though this is where Tim and myself re a little different. We don’t write any one genre, so it stands to reason we would need beta readers for each one.



student-41444_640You wouldn’t think so, but it’s not easy to find a regular beta reader. People have lives, family to take care of, work and general day to day activities, and that’s besides the fact that a lot of authors try to get their books on the shelves at special times of year, like Christmas, or Valentines Day, which is usually the times of year that people are even more busy the they usually are.


As a way to work around this, we decided to put together a list of beta readers. That way we would have a reader for each genre we write, and maybe even a reader that enjoys multiple genres, which leads me to the question we’d like to ask you –

girl-148866_640Do you want to join our beta reader list?

Okay, you know how a beta reader benefits the author, but, how does it benefit you, the beta reader?



Well, there are a few pluses for you too.

  1. You get to read the books before anyone else even knows it’s written.
  2. Your name is put into print in the actual book: Yes, your name goes on the acknowledgements page as a thank you for being our beta reader, immortalised in time for all to see 🙂
  3. You’ll receive a golden badge as a star duttonNphillips beta reader to put on your blog or social media pages.


If you’re interested in joining our beta reader list, then please contact us, either using my contact form or Tim’s. We look forward to hearing from you.

We hope you all have a great weekend. Stay safe and stay happy.

Sallyann and Tim.